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Catharina Nord is since December 2011 Senior Lecturer at NISAL. She is an Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Science and Architecht SAR/MSA and started her assignment in NISAL as a Postdoctoral fellow in autumn 2006.
Her research in NISAL concerns material aspects of everyday life for the oldest old with extensive help needs - architectural design, care and the meaning of artifacts for everyday living. The ambition is to contribute scientifically to the dynamic development of institutional housing in Sweden today in order to meet the future needs of a growing older population. In another ongoing research project Catharina Nord is studying the significance of ordinary housing conditions to individuals in early phases of dementia. This project is a cooperation CEDER, Centre för Dementia Research, LIU. Innovations in care and housing for older people is a big research interest to Catharina Nord. Recently she made an evaluation of a care project with therapeutic dogs for older people.
The larger part of Catharina Nord’s professional life involves the architectural design of healthcare buildings, first through her work as a practicing architect and later as a researcher. Most of this work was carried out in various African countries and concerned different issues, including HIV services. The assignment she had prior to the start in NISAL was a study of communication between professionals in social services and clients in the process of making adaptations to older people’s private homes. This one-year study was based in London South Bank University.