Articles and Papers

Buse, C. and Twigg, J. (2014). Women with dementia and their handbags: negotiating identity, privacy and ‘home’ through material culture. Journal of Aging Studies, 30(1), 14-22.

Buse, C. and Twigg, J. (2015). Materializing memories: exploring the stories of people with dementia through dress. Ageing and Society, available on CJO2015. doi:10.1017/S0144686X15000185.

Hamlett, J & Preston, R 2013, ‘A Veritable Palace for the Hard-Working Labourer’? Space, Material Culture and Inmate Experience in London’s Rowton Houses, 1892–1918′. In J Hamlett, L Hoskins & R Preston (eds), Residential Institutions in Britain, 1725-1970: Inmates and Environments. Perspectives in Economic and Social History, no. 27, Pickering and Chatto, London, pp. 93-107.

Hamlett, J & Hoskins, L 2013, ‘Comfort in Small Things? Clothing, Control and Agency in County Lunatic Asylums in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century England’, Journal of Victorian Culture, 18(1): 93-114., 10.1080/13555502.2012.744241.

Hoskins, L & Hamlett, J 2012, ”A Bright and Cheerful Aspect': Wall decoration and the treatment of mental illness in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries’ Wallpaper History Review, pp. 42-45.

Martin, D., Nettleton, S., Buse, C., Prior, L., and Twigg, J. (2015). Architecture and health care: a place for sociology. Sociology of Health and Illness, doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.12284.

Morse, N. and Munro, E. (2015). Museums’ community engagement schemes, austerity and practices of care in two local museum services. Social and Cultural Geography, DOI:10.1080/14649365.2015.1089583.

Nord, C. 2013. A day to be lived. Elderly peoples’ possessions for everyday life in assisted living. Journal of Aging Studies. 27, 135-142.

Pink, S., Morgan, J., and Dainty, A. (2014) The safe hand: Gels, water, gloves and the materiality of tactile knowing, Journal of Material Culture, 19(4) 425–442.

Pink, S. and Morgan, J. (2013), Short-Term Ethnography: Intense Routes to Knowing. Symbolic Interaction, 36: 351–361. doi: 10.1002/symb.66

Sakellariou, D. (2015) Enacting Varieties of Subjectivity Through Practices of Care: A Story of Living With Motor Neuron Disease,Qualitative Health Research, doi: 10.1177/1049732315584744 Available online:

Sakellariou, D. (2015) Home Modifications and Ways of Living Well, Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness,doi: 10.1080/01459740.2015.1012614

Sakellariou, D. (2015) Creating In/Abilities for Eating, Somatosphere

UCL – Museums, touch and wellbeing publications