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Michael Schillmeier has a chair in Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology at the University of Exeter. He received his PhD from Lancaster University/UK. He is co-editor of Space & Culture and Honorary Senior Member of the Center for the Studies of Life Sciences, Exeter University. He has widely written on the eventful dynamics of collective orderings, outlining the relevance of embodied and affective relations, material objects and technologies. His research includes Science and Technology Studies, Dis/ability and the Sociology of Health and Illness. His work is cross-disciplinary and links Sociology with STS, Philosophy, Anthropology, Humanities and Art. Publications include “Eventful Bodies – The Cosmopolitics of Illness“ (Ashgate), “Rethinking Disability: Bodies, Senses and Things” (Routledge), “Agency without Actors – New Approaches to Collective Action” with Jan-Henrick Passoth and Birgit Peuker (Routledge), "Un/knowing Bodies" with Joanna Latimer (Wiley-Blackwell), "New Technologies and Emerging Spaces of Care" with Miquel Domenech (Ashgate), "Disability in German Literature, Film, and Theater" with Eleoma Joshua (Camden House), With Juliane Sarnes he has translated Gabriel Tarde’s Monadology and Sociology into German.