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Julia Twigg is Professor of Social Policy and Sociology at the University of Kent. Her research interests centre of later years and the role of culture in the constitution of these. She is currently completing the third of a series of studies of clothing and age. The first, funded by ESRC, explored the dress experiences of older women and of clothing retailers and was published as Fashion and Age: Dress, the Body and Later Life, Bloomsbury 2013. The second, funded by ESRC and undertaken with Dr Christina Buse, explored the role of dress in the lives of people with dementia. The third, currently underway and titled Dress, Masculinities and Age, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, looks at the specific experiences of older men.
She is particularly interested in the materiality of dress and its role in shaping, and responding to, the embodied experience of later years.
She is part of the ESRC funded 'Buildings in the Making' project,based at York.
In 2015 she edited with Wendy Martin The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology which makes the case for a wider and more interdisciplinary study of later years.