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Ezinma Mbonu works as a Senior Lecturer in Fashion Design at the University for the Creative Arts in Epsom. She has a background at Masters level in Social Anthropology (Goldsmiths) and Fashion Design (Royal College of Art). Ezinma is the author of two books, Fashion Design Research (2014) and Fashion School Survival Guide (2015).
She has recently started a PhD in Dress Studies at the University for the Creative Arts. Her Supervisors are Dr Victoria Kelley (University for the Creative Arts and University of the Arts) and Dr Hannah Zeilig (University of the Arts). Ezinma is interested in dementia in the ageing 1st generation migrant black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) community, contested identities, material memories, the materiality of dress, transitional objects, solace and the sense of touch. She is particularly interested in investigating the ways that meaningful sensory activities can enhance a sense of well-being amongst people living with dementia within a care home environment.